September 26, 2018

Coast Care and Alcoa volunteers throw seed bombs

Thanks to Alcoa, more than 40 volunteers have come together recently to “seed bomb” the Bouvard coast in a bid to maintain the fragile dune ecosystem. Volunteers from Alcoa joined members of the Bouvard Coast Care Group and supporters of the not-for-profit organisation in rolling compost, native seeds and clay into small balls before launching them into the dunes.

Coast Care ACTION
Alcoa employees volunteered their time to help Bouvard Coast Care Group revegetate dunes along the coastline in Dawesville, making the community group eligible for a $3000 Alcoa ACTION grant.

According to the Bouvard Coast Care Group, seed bombing is a fun, low impact, low cost and zero pollution method of revegetating the environment. Alcoa will give a $3000 grant to the Bouvard Coast Care Group in recognition of its employees volunteering at the event.

The funding is made possible through the company’s Alcoans Coming Together in Our Neighbourhoods (ACTION) Program.

The ACTION Program is this year supporting 48 employee volunteering activities in communities close to the company’s Western Australian operations. Most will occur in the Kwinana, Peel and South West areas, where Alcoa’s bauxite mining and alumina refineries are located.

Nearly 400 Alcoa employees will be involved, volunteering for at least 1500 hours. In recognition of its employees’ volunteering efforts, Alcoa will donate a total of $144,000 to the associated community organisations.

The volunteering activities range from busy bees at schools, sporting clubs and local charities through to assisting with community events and fundraising for not-for-profit services.

Alcoa has a proud history in Western Australia and the Peel region, employing more than 3750 people and contributing hundreds of millions of dollars each year to the State’s economy. The company invested more than $4 million in community programs last year.




Media contact

Cheri Tiglias, Corporate Affairs Officer,