September 20, 2017
Alcoa publishes updated master plan for Point Henry Peninsula
Alcoa of Australia (Alcoa) today published an updated master plan for the proposed transformation of its former industrial and farming land on the Point Henry Peninsula.
The revised Point Henry 575 Concept Master Plan includes details of the significant economic benefits expected to flow from the project.
Alcoa Site Asset Manager Warren Sharp said Point Henry 575 was developed following broad community consultation and with consideration for the State Government’s draft Moolap Coastal Strategic Framework Plan.
“Feedback on the draft concept plan released in 2016 indicated it was consistent with the community-informed shared vision for the site and responded well to potential land uses identified in the early phases of the consultation.
“This updated plan addresses requests for more detailed information on the significant benefits to come from the development as well as the proposed implementation framework and phasing to deliver the project,” Mr Sharp said.
Point Henry 575 aims to unlock Point Henry Peninsula’s potential for Geelong by connecting the city to a new coastal destination, unique landscapes and a diverse range of sustainable living opportunities. It has the potential to generate an estimated $3.5 billion expenditure, 4000 construction jobs and 1000 ongoing jobs over a 20 to 30-year period.
Mr Sharp said Alcoa’s vision for the land would make a significant contribution to Geelong’s future growth while positioning the city as a leader in contemporary urban development.
“Point Henry 575 is a progressive plan, aligned with the City of Greater Geelong’s vision to be recognised as a clever and creative city.
“It represents an integrated and holistic approach to the delivery of potential future uses of Alcoa’s landholding focussed on harnessing the site’s unique environment and location attributes.
“It provides for significant open spaces and wetlands, considerable opportunities for tourism and community activities and a diversity of housing types that will attract new residents to Geelong and the Bellarine,” he said.
The plan has been submitted to the Moolap Coastal Strategic Framework Plan consultation process and Alcoa has also made a submission to the City of Greater Geelong’s Settlement Strategy consultation process. It can be downloaded from
In December 2015 Alcoa launched a process to develop the Point Henry 575 Concept Master Plan to detail the future use of Alcoa’s 575-hectare landholding at its former aluminium smelter site over 20 to 30 years. In keeping with its long-term engagement with the Geelong community, Alcoa embedded community consultation in the master planning process.
Following community consultation to develop a Shared Vision for the site, Alcoa released a draft Concept Master Plan in October 2016 for further community input. Feedback gathered from community and key stakeholders provided additional input into the revised Concept Master Plan published in September 2017.
The three-phased community consultation program undertaken since December 2015 has generated approximately 2400 community contacts across 16 events and more than 300 comments and submissions.
Further information: Kate Betts, Alcoa of Australia, 0400 209 497