Brand Guide & Design System

Our Colors

Primary Secondary Tertiary


Our Alcoa blue is a custom color created by Pantone that helps define our brand. Through an established color palette, it's possible for us to "own," a color. Using our colors correctly helps signify the trust and stability in the Alcoa name as a respected and valued brand.

Alcoa Blue

C: 96% | M: 53% | Y: 5% | K: 24%
R: 22 | G: 87 | B: 136
Hex: #165788

Aluminum PMS 430

C: 5% | M: 0% | Y: 0% | K: 45%
R: 145 | G: 156 | B: 161
Hex: #818A8F

Pantone Substitutions

If Alcoa Blue cannot be obtained, PMS 647 (coated) or 2945 (uncoated) can be substituted. Alcoa Blue coupled with Aluminum PMS 430 are our primary corporate colors.

PMS 647 Coated
PMS 2945 Uncoated

Alcoa Blue and Aluminum Color Adjustments

Alcoa Blue and Aluminum should never be modified as a tint (adding white), tone (adding grey), or a shade (adding black).


While Alcoa Blue is the designated color for our logo, it may also be printed in black or reversed to white in certain instances. Under no circumstances should other colors be used.

Deep Green PMS 336

C: 95% | M: 11% | Y: 70% | K: 44%
R: 0 | G: 99 | B: 73
Hex: #006349

Navy and Deep Green Color Adjustments

Navy and Deep Green should never be modified as a tint (adding white), tone (adding grey), or a shade (adding black).


This selection of tertiary colors contrast with the secondary and offer accents and highlights within a design. They provide a sense of balance and can be tinted and shaded when a wider color range is required.

One secondary or tertiary color should be the main highlight color on any particular spread or small document, with no more than one or two secondary colors providing minor accents or highlights. All tertiary colors can be used in contrast with Navy. Both Yellow PMS 124 and Green PMS 360 are best to contrast with Deep Green.

Please note: the color values indicated are to be used as a guideline — refer to the Pantone color guide for accurate representation.

Yellow PMS 124

C: 0% | M: 30% | Y: 100% | K: 0%
R: 251 | G: 186 | B: 0
Hex: #FBBA00

Orange PMS 716

C: 0% | M: 65% | Y: 100% | K: 0%
R: 239 | G: 123 | B: 0
Hex: #EF7B00

Green PMS 360

C: 63% | M: 0% | Y: 84% | K: 0%
R: 106 | G: 182 | B: 81
Hex: #6AB651

Teal PMS 320

C: 96% | M: 0% | Y: 31% | K: 2%
R: 0 | G: 157 | B: 177
Hex: #009DB1

Blue PMS 285

C: 89% | M: 43% | Y: 0% | K: 0%
R: 0 | G: 120 | B: 191
Hex: #0078BF

Purple PMS 2587

C: 58% | M: 76% | Y: 0% | K: 0%
R: 133 | G: 82 | B: 156
Hex: #85529C


Hex values for adding white tints in 10% increments are provided within the Our Colors section of the downloadable brand guide.


Hex values for adding grey tones in 10% increments are provided within the Our Colors section of the downloadable brand guide.


Hex values for adding black shades in 10% increments are provided within the Our Colors section of the downloadable brand guide.